Productivity & Profitability webinar – How to incorporate genetics into a value chain approach

The Productivity & Profitability series presents new and topical information to help southern producers increase the success of their businesses. Beef, sheep and goat producers can listen to a diverse range of expert speakers present webinars to aid on-farm decision making.
This webinar will feature Dr Penny Schulz from Schulz Livestock who will discuss how to incorporate genetics into a value chain approach. Livestock breeding objectives need to be linked to your business, your farming system, and your target market. Therefore, it’s important to find the genetic traits linked to profit, as well as the traits that ensure your animals perform well in your environment and hit market specifications.
Tune in to this webinar to learn how:
- not meeting target market specifications can impact your profitability
- selection and breeding programs can influence your ability to hit your target market more consistently and efficiently
- to use all the data, feedback, and tools to assess your performance and make improvements to your breeding program.
More about Dr Penny Schulz: Put photo of penny attached beside this section
Penny and her husband Jason run a family sheep and cattle operation at Field in South Australia’s Limestone Coast region. She also works off-farm delivering projects to the livestock industry and university teaching, with her expertise in the fields of agtech adoption, livestock genetics and farm business management. However, Penny has recently been appointed to the role of Livestock Technical Specialist with the SA Drought Resilience, Adoption and Innovation Hub, with a focus on producer adoption – an area of great passion for Penny. She also holds a number of board and advisory group roles including Chair of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, a member of the Premier’s Climate Change Council and a member of the Minister for Primary Industries & Regions Agtech Advisory Group. Penny has recently completed her PhD studies investigating the adoption of app technology by producers.
Image credit: Brad Griffin Photography.