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Precision Soil Mapping on Central Victorian Pastures - Field Day

Scott Howell’s – 1504 Amphitheatre Road, Mount Lonarch
Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
11 Oct 2024 | 09:30 AM
2.5 hours

Beef and sheep producers are invited to join Agriculture Victoria and Precision Agriculture at a field day on precision soil mapping and variable rate fertiliser use in the livestock industry.

This producer demonstration site (PDS) was established in 2021, with funding from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA). The four demonstration sites are on properties owned by members of the Smeaton and Pyrenees BestWool/BestLamb groups. Results and insights from the three-year demonstration will be presented.

Workshop topics
• Visit one of the project demonstration sites and discuss in field variability of soils and some of the drivers of that variability
• Soil variation at the paddock scale
• Variable rate spreading
• Soil testing and fertility
• Economics of precision soil testing and variable rate spreading.

Registration details

register your interest by contacting Neil James on 0417 353 929 or at

Scott Howell’s – 1504 Amphitheatre Road, Mount Lonarch

Event registration