PDS Field Day - improving lamb survival on leguminous pastures

The ‘Improving lamb survival on leguminous pastures’ Producer Demonstration Site is a four-year project driven by the Longford Red Meat Group in Tasmania, demonstrating four different feedbase and grazing management strategies and the link to lamb red gut cases. The project's aim is to identify strategies for reducing red gut cases, minimise lamb mortalities and improve productivity.
Join host producers Sam Lyne ‘Riccarton’, Campbell Town and Andrew Archer ‘Chester’, Westwood for an update on their experiences and observations from the first year of the project.
Sam and Andrew will be joined by veterinarian consultant Dr Bruce Jackson, Jason Lynch from Pinion Advisory and Rowan Smith from Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture covering topics such as:
• what is red gut, plus the power of conducting on-farm autopsies.
• key findings of the ‘Growing red meat productivity through the selection and establishment of perennial legumes’
• The importance of feed budgeting and key grazing management practices for Tasmanian producers finishing lambs under irrigation.