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ParaBoss webinar: Summer worm management in cattle, sheep and goats

Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
14 Feb 2023 | 01:00 PM
1 hour

ParaBoss webinar: Summer worm management in cattle, sheep and goats

New ParaBoss webinar: Summer worm management in cattle, sheep and goats

Location: Online

Worms are active all year round, but some worms really love the warmer weather. 2022 saw ideal conditions for worms to proliferate across many areas, causing a lot of complications and headaches for producers in all states.

In this ParaBoss webinar,  join Dr Matt Playford who will take a deep dive into what’s been happening out in the field in flocks and herds, along with what to expect coming up.

Importantly, Dr Playford will also be discussing strategies and tactics to break open the defence of the worms to ensure your livestock are not being adversely impacted by worms this summer.

As always, we encourage you to send in any questions to or ask them real time in the webinar!

ParaBoss – - is a joint initiative between Meat and Livestock Australia, Australian Wool Innovation, University of New England, and Animal Health Australia.

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