On the road to carbon neutral farming: Albany workshop

Producers, landholders, advisors and others involved in farming are invited to a free workshop on moving towards net zero in agriculture.
Join South Coast NRM and DPIRD in Albany from 9am to 12pm on Wednesday 20 March to find out about measuring whole-of-farm emissions, increasing carbon storage on farm and the benefits to your farm business of understanding your carbon position.
Professor Richard Eckard, Director of the Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre at the University of Melbourne, will join us via videolink for a short presentation to set the scene about global shifts in carbon policy and quantifying your farm GHG emissions.
This will be followed by discussion on the following:
- Why consider carbon neutrality or carbon farming?
- Whole-of-farm emissions and market opportunities
- New research on sustainably reducing carbon emissions in the livestock sector
- Starting a carbon farming project | What to consider, project planning and methods
- The experience of producers who have started on the road to carbon neutrality
- How to apply for the WA Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program
This workshop is co-hosted by South Coast NRM and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Carbon Farming team.
South Coast NRM is a partner in Meat & Livestock Australia’s Carbon Storage Partnership, which seeks to explore and develop pathways to carbon neutral red meat production by 2030 (CN30).
Registration details
Morning tea & lunch are provided.
More information: Suzannah Macbeth suzannahm@southcoastnrm.com.au