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Livestock Advisor Essentials: Meat the market
Brisbane, QLD

05 Nov 2025 | 08:30 AM
1 day
Whole of program Early bird (until May 1st): $2750 (incl. GST)
Whole of program (after May 1st): $3250 (incl. GST)
Whole of program (after May 1st): $3250 (incl. GST)
Livestock Advisor Essentials (LAE) is a professional development program designed for early career professionals involved in the livestock industry or advisors wishing to build their skills and expand their industry knowledge and networks.
This is an unbeatable opportunity to:
- Learn the fundamentals of livestock businesses.
- Develop knowledge, skills and confidence.
- Connect with other livestock advisors.
The program will include three five face-to-face workshops covering the livestock industry building-blocks of feedbase, business, reproduction and genetics, value chain and people and extension, delivered over three sessions.
By attending the Meat the market workshop, participants will:
- Improve understanding of the red meat value chain and the current and future requirements for red meat customers.
- Gain skills in analysing customer feedback.
- Grow confidence in supporting clients to identify and develop possible on-farm solutions to address compliance issues.
Registration details
Deliverer: Elke Hocking, Elke Hocking Consulting
Brisbane, QLD
Register for event