Launch of Redlands leucaena at Pinnarendi Field Day | Mount Surprise, Queensland
Location: Pinnarendi Station, 22971 Kennedy Hwy, Minnamoolka
Cost: Free
Producers are invited to the launch of the Redlands variety of leucaena at the Pinnarendi Field Day.
Unlike existing commercial varieties, Redlands has been specifically developed to tolerate psyllids while remaining palatable to cattle.
Psyllid attack can cause significant productivity losses and prevent the establishment of leucaena in humid, northern environments.
Now, after 15 years in the making, developed with funding from Meat & Livestock Australia and bred by researchers at the University of Queensland, commercially grown Redlands seed will be available to producers at this launch.
Attending producers will be able to:
- hear how Redlands is performing against Wondergraze in current liveweight trials at Pinnarendi
- walk the paddock and see the performance of Redlands versus Wondergraze
- talk with researchers involved in the development of Redlands
- hear from MLA on the current suite of leucaena projects
- purchase harvested Redlands seed.
Registration details
For more information:
Contact Craig Lemin, DAF Research officer, T: 0467 804 870, E: