How can producers make liming decisions on their properties for maximum returns?

The Productivity & Profitability series presents new and topical information to help southern producers increase the success of their businesses. Beef, sheep and goat producers can listen to a diverse range of expert speakers present webinars to aid on-farm decision making.
Dr Jason Condon is Associate Professor in Soil Science at Charles Sturt University and has taught and researched soils there since 1996. His research portfolio includes projects on fertiliser management, carbon sequestration, nitrogen cycling, salinity management in Vietnam and the formation and management of soil acidity in Australian crop and pasture systems in collaboration with NSW DPI, Holbrook landcare Network, FarmLink and Central West Farming Systems.
The webinar covers:
- Implementing improved soil sampling intervals to enable better decisions about liming.
- Understanding the movement and effect of liming to address lower soil acidity layers.
- Management of acid soils removes one of the manageable constraints of the production system.