Grazing fundamentals EDGE workshop | Darwin, NT
Cost includes comprehensive set of Workshop Notes, Workbook, electronic files, other materials and all catering.
Grazing fundamentals EDGE is a one-day workshop designed to give you a broad understanding of the components of the grazing production system and the core, scientifically-backed principles behind optimising grazing land productivity.
Attending this workshop will help you to:
• better understand the connection between land condition, pasture growth and animal production
• understand how climate influences pasture growth
• allow for climate variability when planning livestock management
• better align herd management with seasonal changes in pasture condition
• build a seasonal climate profile for your location.
Registration details
To register contact:
Dionne Walsh, Range IQ - M: 0417 083 638, E:
Caz Pettit, NT DITT - M: 0422 503 031, E: