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Grazing fundamentals EDGE | Begonia, QLD

Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
29 May 2024 | 09:00 AM
6 hours
Subsidised rate of $140pp* inc GST per person (usually $935pp). * Eligible landholders within the SQ Landscapes priority zone (Maranoa region and Upper Balonne Shire) can access this subsidised rate. THIS EVENT IS SUPPORTED BY SQ LANDSCAPES WITH FUNDING FROM THE QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT’S NATURAL RESOURCE RECOVERY PROGRAM

Grazing fundamentals EDGE is a workshop designed to give you a broad understanding of the components of the grazing production system and the core, scientifically-backed principles behind optimising grazing land productivity.

29 May (Day 1) & 19 June (Day 2 TBC) 2024

Registration details

Cost includes workshop, a comprehensive set of Workshop Notes, Workbook, catering + a 12-month subscription to Cibo Labs PastureKey (usually valued at $2,000)

Registrations close 22nd May.


Begonia, QLD
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