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Grazing Fundamentals EDGE | Alice Springs, NT

Alice Springs, NT
Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
17 Jul 2025 | 08:00 AM
1 day
$850 + GST / 1st person from one business; or $575 / 2nd and 3rd person from the same business (primary producers only).

Grazing fundamentals EDGE is a one-day workshop designed to give you a broad understanding of the components of the grazing production system and the core  principles behind optimising grazing land productivity.

Attending this workshop will help you to:

  • identify key pasture/forage species in your region, their contribution to the diet and their role in the grazing system
  • understand what conditions drive growth and how you can use strategic grazing management to improve pasture/forage productivity
  • know what land condition is, how it’s assessed, and how to manage livestock to maintain or achieve good condition
  • better align herd management with seasonal changes in pasture condition.
  • build a seasonal climate profile for your location.

What you will learn:

  • basic principles of effective grazing systems
  • environmental factors influencing pasture growth and quality
  • seasonal pasture growth patterns and key decision dates
  • how soil properties influence pasture growth
  • how grazing affects pasture plants, their productivity and growth
  • how to assess land condition and how this impacts on carrying capacity
  • know when and how to use pasture spelling
  • principles behind successful grazing systems
  • how to account for different classes of animals when assessing grazing pressure
  • what’s involved with forage budgeting and calculating carrying capacity.
Registration details

Cost includes comprehensive set of Workshop Notes, Workbook, other materials and all catering

Alice Springs, NT
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