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Ebor Beef 2022 Forum | Armidale NSW

Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
16 Mar 2022 | 08:30 AM
1 day
Members free. Non members $35 

This event runs every two years with a different theme that is of interest to 70 beef producer members in the New England. This year's theme is "The Role of Carbon in Farming" and there will be a range of speakers talking about the carbon cycle, the CN30 document, carbon footprints and auditing.

Presenters include:

  • Fiona Simson OAM, President NFF
  • MLA Doug McNicholl, Program Manager, Sustainability and Innovation and Margaret Jewell Carbon Neutral 2030 (CN30) Manager
  • Toby Grogan, Natural Capital Manager, Impact Ag
  • Dr Susan Orgill, DPI Professional Officer (Soils)
  • Robert Freebairn, Agriculture Consultant and Journalist

Armidale City Bowling Club, 92-96 Dumaresq St, Armidale NSW 2350
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