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Better Beef ‘21 | WA

Grain-fed Cattle
15 Apr 2021 | 08:00 AM
2 days

Better Beef '21 will bring the most influential and relevant researchers, innovators and feedlot businesses to the South West of WA over the 15 and 16 April 2021.

There is a lot to cover over the two days, with the program including information on:

  • ALFA's shade initiative and its impacts to the WA feedlot industry and beyond
  • new technology and automation advancements in the industry
  • updates from Western Meat Packers and the opportunity to take a look at how two south west feedlots operate.

The Beef Connections Dinner is sure to be a highlight, with the winners of the WALFA Awards to be announced and with ex-Fremantle Docker Hayden Ballantyne as guest speaker.

Day 1 Camarri Feedlot 431 Cundinup Road, Cundinup Day 2 Paradise Beef Feedlot 3115 Silipo Road, Paynedale
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