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Agriculture and trade in disrupted economies Conference | QLD

Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
17 Jun 2021 | 10:00 AM
1 day
In-person Conference & dinner - $770
In-person Conference sessions - $660
In-person Conference dinner - $132
Virtual Conference - $550

While COVID-19 is the most prominent disruptor of trade in recent times, it is far from the only one. Geopolitical tensions, socio-economic changes, infrastructure challenges and biosecurity concerns are not merely theoretical risks but active disruptors to Australia’s export-reliant agriculture sector. What do we need to know to manage these disruptions, and how can we take advantage of ‘creative destruction’ to improve business resilience? 

RBA Governor Philip Lowe and Trade Minister Dan Tehan will lead this important discussion at AFI’s mid-year conference, joined by Shari Rogge-Fidler, CEO of the US Farm Foundation, and other analysts, farmers and agribusiness leaders.

Check the program on the AFI website.

Armitage Auditorium, Empire Theatres, 54-56 Neil St, Toowoomba
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