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MLA's e-newsletters

To sign up for any of the e-newsletters below or to manage your news preferences, log into your myMLA account*:

My subscriptions

* You will need a myMLA account to manage all subscriptions going forward. It is free to join and takes less than a minute to sign up.

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Industry news and advice

The Weekly (weekly)

News, views and advice delivered to your inbox every Friday. Covering producer case studies, industry news, market updates, on-farm tools and more, this e-newsletter is your one-stop shop for the latest in the red meat industry. 

FMD and LSD update (quarterly)

Important updates regarding the status of foot and mouth disease (FMD) and lumpy skin disease (LSD) in Indonesia, as well as preventative actions taking place in Australia.

The Advisor (quarterly)

Advice and important updates for red meat industry advisors and consultants, equipping our service providers with the latest research and development news.


Market insights

Market information reports (weekly)

Receive the full suite of MLA’s market reports as soon as they are released.

Co-products market report (monthly)

Get the latest co-product prices and month-on-month trends.

Global Markets Update (bi-monthly)

International news and insights from Australia’s key red meat and livestock export markets.



The Quarterly Feed (quarterly)

News and insights for Australian lot feeders from MLA’s feedlot program.

Goats on the Move (quarterly)

Latest developments from MLA’s goat productivity program.

Newes & Wether – Sheep Sustainability Framework (bi-monthly)

Updates from the Sheep Sustainability Framework, including news from the latest Annual Update launch.

Australian Beef Sustainability Framework (bi-monthly)

Updates from the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework, including news from the latest Annual Update launch.

Research, development and adoption updates

PDS update (quarterly)

Round-up of MLA’s Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) project updates, news and upcoming events.

NB2 update (quarterly)

Project updates and practical resources from the Northern Breeding Business (NB2) program.

To sign up for any of the e-newsletters below or to manage your news preferences, log into your myMLA account*:

My subscriptions

* You will need a myMLA account to manage all subscriptions going forward. It is free to join and takes less than a minute to sign up.

Sign up to myMLA

Integrity Systems & Meat Standards Australia e-newsletters

Integrity Matters (monthly)

News and information on NLIS, LPA and NVDs. Each month, we provide practical tips for compliance, updates on regulation, and guides to help you uphold your business' integrity.

Making the Grade (quarterly)

Eating quality information, news and insights from Meat Standards Australia (MSA).

Integrity Matters (monthly)

News and information on NLIS, LPA and NVDs. Each month, we provide practical tips for compliance, updates on regulation, and guides to help you uphold your business' integrity.

Making the Grade (quarterly)

Eating quality information, news and insights from Meat Standards Australia (MSA).