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Ramping up red meat sales

Red Meat Round-Up talks with MLA’s Shopper Activation Manager, Elisha Moran, to find out more about her work with retailers and driving sales of beef, lamb, veal and goatmeat.

Q: What does your role as MLA’s Shopper Activation Manager involve?

I work with our beef and lamb brand teams to take the latest MLA consumer data and insights and use them to create sales-boosting programs in the retail sector.

Q: What project are you most excited about at the moment?

The Greatest Butcher on Your Block campaign of course! We’ve partnered with the Australian Meat Industry Council and Jessica Rowe to draw more attention to our local butchers.

Butchers can submit their favourite summer beef or lamb recipes for their chance to win a barbecue, and to be featured in the upcoming Greatest Butcher on Your Block recipe magazine.

Q: What do you believe are the key opportunities for Australian red meat right now?

I see big opportunities for red meat in the convenience space. Everyone is time poor and consumers are looking for ease and convenience when deciding what to have for dinner, especially those Monday-Thursday dinners when most people are looking for easy everyday meals.

As butchers, you have the perfect solution to this problem: by offering value-added products, cooked meals (if you have the right premises to do so), mini roasts and seasonal meal kits to suit your customer base.

Q: What’s the best part about your job?

No day is ever the same, that’s for sure – but the best part is watching the projects come to life and the amazing producers and retailers I get to meet.

Q: What’s your favourite red meat meal?

Simplicity is key for me and we’re lucky enough to have access to the most amazing beef and lamb in Australia, so I’m not into covering up the beautiful flavours with sauces and marinades.

I’m happiest enjoying a lamb roast or a perfectly cooked rib eye on the bone cooked on the barbecue medium rare.

More information:

Elisha Moran