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Livestock Transport Hub

The Transport Hub brings together everything you need to know about transporting livestock safely and humanely anywhere in Australia. Best practice livestock transport improves outcomes for livestock, boosts profits throughout the supply chain and contributes to the sustainability of the industry.

Livestock preparation guidelines

Case studies

On the ground and on the road – hear from those involved in a wide range of roles within the livestock transport industry.

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Information tailored to you

Everyone in the red meat supply chain plays a role in safe, humane livestock transport. Find information below to help you play your part.

For information on transporting other species, visit the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines Land Transport of Livestock.

Industry vision

By 2028, all players in the Australian livestock industry will know and act on their livestock transport responsibilities to achieve world-class outcomes for livestock and supply chain partners, with data to back it up.

Knowing your responsibilities

Under Australian law, there is a chain of responsibility for livestock welfare that needs to be adhered to. In the chain of responsibility, the producer, or their representative, is the consignor.

The chain of responsibility for livestock welfare in the transport process includes:

Livestock regulatory advice

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator Livestock transport roles and responsibilities

Understand your requirements in the chain of responsibility when transporting livestock by road with the Livestock Regulatory Advice 

Time off water and spelling periods

*Calves 5–30 days travelling without mothers MUST have been adequately fed milk or milk replacer on the farm within six hours of transport.
*Calves 5–30 days travelling without mothers MUST have been adequately fed milk or milk replacer on the farm within six hours of transport.