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Our People

29 November 2021

Our people are our industry’s greatest asset. Our investments are focused on adoption and extension to drive practice change through improved capability,  and to accelerate economic resilience in our people and regional communities.

Arm your business with the latest science, technology and training

10 ways to be on the front foot of profitability

1. Arm yourself with knowledge of the profit drivers specific to your business and your production system.

2. Learn more about Producer Adoption programs avaliable to help you apply practical research and development to your livestock enterprise.

3. Get involved with the latest Producer Demonstration sites and Profitable Grazing systems that provide practical peer-to-peer group learning on local sites.

4. Undertake some training through EDGE Network and Bredwell Fedwell workshops for current business, genetics and feed management insights.

5. Keep up to date with latest research and development through Beefup Forums for northern beef industry and Meatup Forums for southern livestock industry.

6. Get involved in one of MLA’s strategic partnerships which seek to build profitability and sustainability- Northern Beef Business (NB2) and the Sheep Reproduction Strategic Partnership (SRSP).

7. Familiarise yourself with the range of tools and calculators to assist decision making in your business.

8. Keep up to date with MLA Industry and business events near you.

9. Inform yourself of the best practice workplace health and safety in your livestock enterprise.

10. Support Indigenous training and employment through the Real Jobs program, a progressive and innovative employment programs that engages, trains and supports young indigenous people for employment in the Northern Territory pastoral industry.

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