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Sheep producers

MLA delivers a range of workshops, tools and other resources for sheep producers to equip them with the latest best-practice knowledge gathered from research that can be applied to improve their businesses.

Here’s a snapshot of what’s on offer to sheep producers:

Workshop and programs

EDGEnetwork workshops: One to three day workshops offering practical learning opportunities on business, breeding, nutrition and grazing management skills.

Profitable Grazing Systems: Profitable Grazing Systems takes small groups of like-minded producers – who want to improve their whole-farm performance – and matches them with coaches who share their knowledge, skills and experience.

Bred Well Fed Well workshops: Bred Well Fed Well is a practical, one-day workshop highlighting the key production benefits of superior genetics, plus feed management for improved reproductive performance and livestock productivity.

Producer Demonstration SitesThe Producer Demonstration Sites program allows producers to implement proven research and technologies in their own commercial operations with a group of like-minded peers.


Making more from sheep

Sheep Productivity & Profitability webinars

A series of webinars designed to assist Sheep, Cattle and Goat producers to increase the productivity and profitability of their businesses.

Business profitability and sustainability:



  • MLA Genetics hub: An online resource hub with producer case studies, videos and resources to help producers use breeding values to accelerate the productivity of their herd or flock.
  • Paraboss: ParaBoss is coordinated on a not-for-profit basis that unites and manages WormBoss, FlyBoss and LiceBoss.
  • Sheep genetics website: The national genetic information and evaluation service for the meat and wool sectors of the sheep industry delivered as LAMBPLAN and MERINOSELECT.
  • Making More from Sheep online modules: A series of online modules designed to help sheep producers increase the productivity and profitability of their enterprises.