The MLA feed demand calculator can be used identify feed gaps over a twelve-month period and ways in which modifying the enterprise might help to close these gaps.
As the weather heats up and feed availability declines, producers can put strategies in place to maintain livestock health and productivity throughout the season. On this page you can find information about:
The MLA feed demand calculator can be used identify feed gaps over a twelve-month period and ways in which modifying the enterprise might help to close these gaps.
The EverGraze website outlines different options to manage the summer feed gap where perennial pastures are dormant, including changes to the livestock system, pasture options and alternatives.
Victorian sheep producers, Craig and Jayne Drum have used feed budgeting to identify gaps and adjust their feedbase to prepare for lambing. This includes the introduction of a summer crop.
Crop stubbles in mixed farming areas make up an important part of the seasonal feedbase for sheep producers. A new guide and top tips are available on the nutrition and management of grazing stubbles.
Changes to the diet and seasonal feed characteristics can increase the risk of bloat in livestock. Find out more about identifying, preventing and treating bloat.
As a resilient perennial legume, lucerne is commonly used for grazing and hay forage by southern producers during the hotter months. Through strategic grazing and agronomic management, producers can optimise its nutritional benefits to livestock and maintain fodder production over several years.
Livestock Systems Scientist and University of Western Australia Adjunct Professor, Dr David Masters, shares his top tips for setting up a containment feeding system.
New guidelines have been developed to help producers to optimise reproductive and feeding management of containment-fed ewes. The guidelines cover pen design, stocking rates, flock management, feeding strategies and animal health.
NSW producer, Nigel Kerin, has seen the benefits of containment feeding ewes and lambs, including improved productivity, animal welfare and environmental outcomes.
Don’t get caught out during bushfire season. Prepare a disaster management plan – including evacuation procedures and emergency fodder, water and infrastructure – alongside a list of emergency contacts and updated livestock records.
Some activities and assets for fire preparedness and prevention on primary production land are eligible for income tax deductions.
In January 2020, sheep producers, Steve and Lucy Morgan lost 15km of fence to bushfire on their Kangaroo Island property. Steve and Lucy share their tips to prepare and recover from bushfires.
If you are impacted by a natural disaster, you can find support, resources and key contacts here.
If you, or someone you know, is struggling with mental health, you also can find a list of support services here.