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Pasture Variety Trials

Project start date: 06 March 2020
Project end date: 07 April 2025
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Western Australia
Site location: South east WA: Neridup, Grass Patch, & Salmon Gums


The aim of this PDS project is to demonstrate the most suitable and productive pasture varieties across a range of soil types where clover dominant pastures are no longer suitable due to Red clover syndrome.


By December 2024 in the greater Esperance region of WA:

a) Pasture trials (initially in small plot then commercial scale) across three sites will have demonstrated the most productive pasture varieties for the various soil types and environments.

b) The relative economic performance (as measured by biomass / nutritive analysis and calculated stocking rate) of the varieties across the trial sites will be determined via modelling and cost benefit analysis.

c) 80% of core producers will continue to implement learnings from demonstration sites to plant a variety new to their farming system, or better manage an existing variety, to address the autumn/winter feed gap and resultant livestock productivity via increased stocking rates

d) 20% of observer producers will have implemented or intend to implement learnings from demonstration sites to plant a variety new to their farming system or better manage an existing variety

e) 100% of core producers and 60% of observer producers will have improved their knowledge and skills in relation to alternative pasture varieties suited to their area, including herbicide application and fertilizer requirements.

f) The results of the PDS will be disseminated with targeted extension activities (e.g. ASHEEP Newsletter, ASHEEP Conference, social media and website, linkage to other grower groups) to encourage adoption of most suitable varieties.


The ASHEEP BEEF / MLA Pasture Variety Trial PDS in the Esperance region of WA has released an annual report with results from 7 commercial-scale demonstration sites spanning 3 rainfall zones that were monitored in 2023. Sites included: 

  • Margarita / Cadiz Serradella 
  • SerraMax Serradella 
  • RM4 Vetch 
  • RM4 Vetch / Morava Vetch 
  • RM4 Vetch / Leafmore Brassica 
  • Forrester Oats / Abundant Ryegrass / Margarita Serradella / Sub Clover 
  • Lucerne / South West Pasture Mix 

The report is available on  ASHEEP & BEEF’s website. The annual report for 2022 commercial-scale demonstration sites is also available, including an assessment of regeneration from plot-scale sites sown in 2020 and 2021.  

6 demonstration sites are being established in 2024 (the 5th year of the project). The project will continue investigation on the performance of vetch in different mixes and rainfall zones, as well as follow the performance of the new Diaman2ti Bladder Clover. Other site selections are currently underway.

Get involved

Contact the PDS facilitator:

Sarah Brown