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Optimising Pastures in Low Rainfall Zones

Project start date: 10 December 2020
Project end date: 15 October 2026
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Western Australia
Site location: Northern agricultural region Western Australia


This Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) is designed to identify and demonstrate if improved perennial and annual pasture systems that are not widely employed in the region, can reliably fulfil the seasonal feed gap requirements for livestock enterprises and increase enterprise profitability.


By conducting four producer demonstration sites in the low-medium rainfall zone in the Northern Agricultural Region of WA, this project aims to meet the following objectives by November 2026:

  1. Demonstrate a 10% increase in grazing days per ha when livestock are grazed on improved pastures compared to self sown pasture;

  2. Demonstrate, through economic analysis, that improved pastures provide on average a further $100/ha return in comparison to self sown pasture;

  3. Engage 50 producers annually, through a series of activities (e.g. field walks, workshops, group meetings and interactive group communications) to increase the knowledge, skills and confidence of livestock producers to implement new pastures and increase livestock enterprise profitability;

  4. Conduct two field walks per demonstration site by 2026, to showcase the practices demonstrated and encourage information sharing/adoption;

  5. Produce and widely distribute four comprehensive case studies and one collated factsheet on low rainfall pasture optimization and management to benefit livestock producers in low rainfall zones throughout Australia;

  6. Extend timely information during the project through various communication channels (as per the communications plan) with the aim of reaching 150 producers annually.

Through the activities described in Objectives 2 – 6, there will be:

  1. An increase in producer knowledge and confidence of how to increase livestock enterprise profitability by employing sown pastures in 100% of core producers, and 50% of observers;

  2. An observed practice change in the livestock enterprises of 80% of core producers and 15% of observers;

  3. An increase of knowledge of 80% of the surveyed producers regarding sown pasture options.

Get involved

Contact the PDS facilitator:

Katrina Venticinque