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Legume and Shrub Grazing Systems Adoption Trial

Project start date: 10 February 2021
Project end date: 01 March 2026
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Western Australia
Site location: Eastern wheatbelt WA: Hines Hill, Bandee, Nungarin , Moorine Rock & Nukarni


This Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) is designed to increase adoption of shrub and legume pasture systems in the eastern wheatbelt of WA through demonstrating the ease of establishment, complementarity between crop residues and perennial shrub systems during the autumn, with the goal of encouraging producers to sustainably lift stocking rates and improve productivity of the sheep enterprise.


By March 2026, the key outcomes of this grazing system trial will include:

  1. With six host producers and under expert industry guidance, build the knowledge base, technical skills and confidence of growers in the eastern wheatbelt to adopt best practice perennial forage shrub and legume pasture systems to increase feedbase options on marginal cropping land in mixed farming enterprises through paddock scale demonstrations.

  2. By March 2026, 100 % of core producers and 25% of observer producers will have improved their knowledge, gained confidence and skills in implementing best practice perennial forage shrub and legume pasture systems.

  3. In core producer sites, measure changes in reproduction rates and lamb survival for ewes grazing bestpractice forage-pasture systems as compared to ewes grazing volunteer pastures. Reproduction rates(measured by pregnancy scanning) would increase by 10% and lamb survival (measured at marking) would increase by 10% in those sheep being grazed on the forage shrub and pasture system.

  4. Using a whole farm economic analysis tool, myFarmSmart ®, conduct a cost benefit analysis to determine the relative economic performance of the systems approach of integrating and optimizing forage shrubs and legume pasture options on reproductive performance and stocking rate compared to existing grazing systems. Changes in profitability across both the sheep and cropping enterprises will be measured.

  5. By March 2026, 100% of core producers and 25% of observer producers will have implemented a perennial forage shrub and legume pasture system into their business.


This producer demo site project is being run by Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement Group alongside MLA, in the Eastern Wheatbelt of Western Australia.  

5 demonstration sites were established in 2021, with one more to be established in 2023. The project aims to lift productivity in the eastern wheatbelt by using a legume pasture/perennial shrub combination to fill the summer/autumn feed gap. It also provides opportunity for growers to utilize unproductive soils and increase stocking rates in the future.  

2022 has focused on herbicide applications to combat weed issues in one site, while the other sites are ready for grazing in Summer 2023.  

Get involved

Contact the PDS facilitator:

Glenice Batchelor