Growing perennial pastures in a variable climate
Project start date: | 13 May 2020 |
Project end date: | 01 April 2026 |
Project status: | In progress |
Livestock species: | Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb |
Relevant regions: | Victoria |
Site location: | Gippsland VIC: Bairnsdale, Dutson Downs, Walpa, Clifton Creek & Tambo Crossing |
This Producer demosntration site aims to demonstrate the most persistent and productive perennial pastures for Gippsland, by investigating species, establishment methods, ground cover potential, species persistence and the impacts of soil moisture levels.
By end 2025 at one research farm and subsequently (from year 2) at 6 commercials farms in the central and eastern area of Gippsland:
1. Demonstrate and assess the success of establishing 6 perennial pasture mixes. Measure the effect of different soil preparation regimes, monitor the influence of soil moisture and temperature on the speed and success of establishment with the aim of improving producer decision making around perennial pasture establishment.
2. Demonstrate perennial species persistence and productivity under a grazing system and provide information on palatability and stock preference.
3. Demonstrate an average improved pasture production of at least 3T DM/Ha compared to unimproved / drought degraded pasture managed under standard farm conditions
4. Demonstrate an average improved stocking rate on perennial pastures of 5 DSE/Ha compared to unimproved / drought degraded pasture managed under standard farm conditions
5. Demonstrate the variation in production of different perennial pasture mixes throughout the year and the flexibility provided from having different perennial species on a farm
6. Conduct a cost benefit analysis to determine the relative economic performance of the different perennial pasture mixes and compare with an annual grazed cropping rotation and an unimproved pasture.
7. Implement 17 skill and training development activities to increase the knowledge, skills and confidence of 9 core and 46 observer producers in establishing and managing perennial pasture
8. Extension of project material will result in 60 per cent of core producers adopting successful methods of perennial pasture establishment and ongoing management of perennial species by grazing management, plus 25% of observers intending to incorporate learnings from this demonstration into their farm management.
9. Conduct an annual field day and other activities to showcase the demonstration site results and encourage adoption of key practices by 100 attending producers.
This PDS is being run by the Gippsland Agriculture Group (GAgG), a producer group established in 2019 in Eastern Victoria that currently has 350 members.
The initial Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) at the GAgG Research Farm at Bairnsdale is now demonstrating four paddock preparation methods and six different perennial pasture species mixes. Fescues are proving to be a standout in terms of quantity of feed produced and their ability to proliferate, but observations show that the palatability can be less than the other species on offer.
Six perennial paddocks (67Ha total) were successfully established in autumn 2021 or 2023 on producer farms from Seacombe in Wellington to Bete Belong in East Gippsland, PDS producers all selected multi-species mixes with between seven and 11 species, predominantly grasses and legumes.
With several good seasons the persistence of the grass species has been exceptional, but 2023 has been a drier year so there is a lot of interest in how well the species will persist.
The first year of grazing has demonstrated the importance of having low ground cover in late summer and early autumn to promote germination and persistence of clovers. The annual report and more information on this project are available at