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Best practice predator control for lambing

Project start date: 07 February 2020
Project end date: 15 January 2023
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Southern Australia
Site location: North east Victoria: Tallygaroopna; Tatura; Picola; Strathmerton
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This Producer Demonstration Site (PDS), conducted in Northern Victoria, was designed to demonstrate that using best practice predator control improves lamb survival at birth. Six core producers and four observer participants installed Canid Pest Ejectors (CPEs) for additional fox control for one to three lambing seasons. Paddock observations of dead lambs found that four core participants had between 0-5% of dead lambs with signs of predation and one producer observing 20% lamb losses were due to predation. In general survival rates in lambing mobs have been between 76% to 92%. Overall results show that CPEs may have led to a 2% increase in lamb survival resulting in a $0.28/ewe net benefit and the break even benefit was received if lamb survival rates could be increased by 1.5%.


By December 2022:

1. Conduct one Best Practice Predator Control field day with assistance from the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions, Agriculture Victoria (AV) and Dept of Environment, Water and Planning (DELWP) to increase producer’s knowledge and skills in this area (target is all group members plus 10-15 additional producers).

2. Demonstrate the use of Best Practice Predator Control on 5-7 properties over 3 lambing seasons (2020-2022) to see if it increases number of lambs marked.

3. Conduct a cost:benefit analysis of using Best Practice Predator Control (ie costs = preg scanning for multiples if not already undertaken, baits/other control techniques costs, time for implementing control, benefits = more live lambs valued at market rates).

4. Share results via BWBL group meetings (discuss at 3 per year and circulate results to group members)

5. Conduct 3 open invitation field day at the completion of the project to share results and recommendations

6. At least 50% of GM BWBL group members and 25% of observers will have trailed improved predator control on their properties.

Key findings

There has been mixed success in the CPEs use due to crows and other creatures eating the lure heads or mechanisms failing to fire (as observed from camera footage).
Paddock observations of dead lambs has found that four core participants had between 0-5% of dead lambs showed signs of predation with one producer observing 20% lamb losses were due to predation.
Overall results show that CPEs may have led to a 2% increase in lamb survival resulting in a $0.28/ewe net benefit and the break-even benefit was received if lamb survival rates could be increased by 1.5%.

Benefits to industry

This PDS benefited Northern Victorian sheep producers by:
• A greater understanding of predator behaviour, effective methods of predator control, the causes of mortality in lambs and how lamb survival can be improved.
• More producers confident in using current best practice methods of predator control (improvement in confidence of 22 %)
• Improved lamb survival over time as the density of predators is reduced

MLA action

MLA continues to deliver the Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) program, supporting livestock producers working in peer-to-peer groups to pursue new skills, knowledge and management practices applicable to their own commercial livestock production system.

Future research

The PDS project identified that while the CPEs were shown to be another valuable tool in the arsenal of producers to manage predation, obtaining additional CPEs and supplies post demo has proved problematic for on-going use as there is only one known retailer in the region. This retailer is a long way (>100 km) from at least half of the participants which may prove a barrier to on-going use of the CPEs. The coordinator is currently in discussions with the wholesaler to come up with direct purchase arrangements to ensure the on-going use of CPEs.

Get involved

Contact the PDS facilitator:

Kristy Howard