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Transporting livestock


Preparation, communication and using professional, accredited drivers are key to sound transportation once livestock are on the truck.

Top tips:

Effluent Management Code

The Effluent Code has been developed by the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Associaiton in consultation with stakeholders.

The code focuses on measures to eliminate or minimise the risks of livestock effluent loss into a road corridor. Recommendations in the Effluent Code will assist parties to ensure the safety of their transport activities “so far as is reasonably practicable”.

Off road parties, including receivers of livestock, such as farms, livestock agents, feedlots and abattoirs, are able to influence effluent management through their operational activities and demands on livestock transporters, as well as through the provision and management of ancillary infrastructure, such as livestock effluent disposal facilities.

Extreme events

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Communication is key in extreme events. Make sure you maintain open communication at all times – from loading to unloading. Plan and prepare in advance to reduce unforeseen issues and stress.

Points to keep in mind:


This is a 24-hour national hotline to coordinate emergency responses to incidents involving heavy vehicles carrying livestock.

The national number is 1800 4 ALRTA (or 1800 425 782).

Note: The hotline is free for all livestock transporters or anyone else at the scene of an incident.