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Information for producers



Producers have legal, financial and ethical responsibilities for planning livestock movements, preparing animals and providing appropriate facilities for transport operators to access.

Knowledge, preparation and communication are key to successful livestock transport:

  • Know your roles and responsibilities in the livestock transport process.
  • Prepare livestock and infrastructure for safe transport, making sure facilities are appropriate and livestock are fit to load.
  • Communicate very clearly with the transport operator and receiver to minimise disruptions and confirm the best pre-transport preparation strategies for your class of livestock for the specific journey.

Tip: Who is the consignor? Make sure it is clear who the consignor, the transporter and the receiver are for every livestock transport movement.


Legally – you or your representative are responsible for:

  • maintaining a safe environment for employees, visitors to your property and animals under your care
  • ensuring your livestock are fit to load for the intended journey
  • communicating how the livestock have been prepared for the intended journey
  • minimising disruptions to transport operations by ensuring:
    • clear directions and contact numbers are provided
    • good truck access to the property and yards
    • livestock are yarded and ready to load at the arranged time
    • numbers and type of livestock are right for the truck(s).

Why we need to get it right

  • Ethically: No one wants to cause undue pain and suffering to livestock. Customers and the community expect that animals will be treated well at every point throughout their lifetime, including transport.
  • Industry sustainability: Our livestock industry needs to maintain its freedom to operate and international reputation for ethically produced, high-quality red meat products.
  • Financially: Stressed livestock eat less, put on less weight and don’t perform as well in feedlots or processing facilities.

Livestock transport checklist for producers

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