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European Union accredited
European Union Cattle Accreditation Scheme (EUCAS)
Key requirements for EUCAS accreditation:
- Have only eligible cattle on your property at all times – that is, cattle that have lifetime traceability (with the exception of breeding bulls) and have never been treated with hormonal growth promotants (HGPs).
- Only buy, sell or receive (in the case of agistment) cattle from other EUCAS accredited properties or saleyards (with the exception of approved non-EU breeding females and bulls). A list of accredited producers, feedlots, saleyards and abattoirs is available on the EUCAS website.
- Identify all your cattle with National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) devices. Calves born on accredited properties must have NLIS devices by the time they are weaned.
- Use European Union Vendor Declaration (EUVD) forms.
- Keep your NLIS database account up-to-date and conduct annual PIC reconciliations. Keep your NLIS database account up-to-date and conduct annual Property Identification Code reconciliations.
- Participate in random EUCAS audits. Ensure animals going via the EU scheme are fit to load.
- Communicate with your transport operator and ensure animals are prepared correctly for their intended journey, locked up 24 hours prior to dispatch on good quality, dry hay and clean water.
Some important questions to ask when considering EUCAS accreditation are:
- Can I produce enough cattle to meet EU specifications to make it worthwhile?
- Am I prepared to keep the records consistently up-to-date?
- Am I prepared to deal in only EU-eligible stock?