Short courses
MLA offers various short courses that provide an avenue for producers, advisors and industry stakeholders to build knowledge and technical capacity in best practice management. Below are a selection of short courses relevant to the Southern Rangelands.
EDGE network
EDGEnetwork (EDGE) provides 1–3 day practical workshops for the red meat industry in business management, breeding, grazing land management, ruminant nutrition and carbon. EDGE courses are not all developed specifically for the southern rangelands, however all have been developed for extensive pastoral systems with many relevant in both the north and south.
Grazing Fundamentals (Southern Rangelands) EDGE has been developed specifically for the Southern Rangelands. Find upcoming EDGE workshops below, or more dates and workshops in the EDGEnetwork hub.
EDGE network
BredWell FedWell (BWFW)
BredWell FedWell (BWFW) is a practical, one-day introductory workshop on how productivity and profitability can be improved through good breeding and feeding over the livestock production cycle.
Upcoming workshops can be found online, where you can express interest to hold a workshop in your area.
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