Online resources
There are many resources available online, provided by MLA and others, that offer valuable information about southern rangeland production systems.
The below resources represent years of research and information-building to maximise productivity and profitability, regardless of enterprise.
MLA hubs
MLA has several hubs to help you navigate through the tools, information and resources you need.
MLA projects
MLA undertakes a range of research and demonstration projects to build knowledge and experience within the industry. Find them catalogued below.
MLA invests significantly in research, development and adoption (RD&A) across the Australian red meat industry. All projects have a final report available on completion which can be searched online using key words and target topics.
Search R&D reportsAll RD&A projects currently underway or completed within the last 2.5 years can also be found in the RD&A stocktake report. This document can be browsed by subject area or by using the search function within your PDF software.
RD&A stocktake reportMLA funds a wide variety of Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) projects across Australia, where best practice tools and technologies can be tested within local environments under commercial conditions. Project updates and findings are available online. Use the search function to identify regions and topics most relevant to you.
Search PDSIndustry resources
Beyond MLA is a wealth of resources dedicated to improving production in the Southern Rangelands.
The Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI) is located in Alice Springs, as part of the NT Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade. The on-site library contains literature, monitoring data and resources, much of which is not digitised.
Search libraryThe Rangelands Journal is the pre-eminent Australian publication for rangelands literature. It is the official journal of the Australian Rangelands Society, which also offers a biennial conference and access to conference papers.
Rangelands Journal
This is a resource developed and produced by the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. It covers a range of information relevant to plant identification, land condition, and land function.
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This resource developed and produced by the NSW Department of Primary Industries brings together relevant literature to provide guidance and information that supports land managers to set and implement a management objective, monitor landscape and animal conditions, and determine appropriate stocking rates.
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