Customised Projects
MLA delivers a range of customised RD&A projects across Australia to support producers to improve productivity, sustainability and profitability. Some of these projects have particular relevance to the Southern Rangelands.

Rangelands Living Skin is an MLA funded project led by NSW DPI and delivered in the NSW Western Division. It focuses on achieving a triple bottom line management outcome. The project will create an evidence base for helping widespread adoption of practices that benefit soil, plants, animals and people.

Bullseye 2 Livestock Productivity is a group-based coaching project led by the Southern Rangelands Pastoral Alliance, delivered in the Murchison and Goldfields regions of WA. The project focuses on implementing best practice herd and land management to sustainably increase productivity and profitability while improving range condition.

BeefLinks is a research partnership between MLA and the University of Western Australia. The project aims to drive an integrated and complementary R&D program for northern and southern production systems to achieve beef yields that match consumer expectations and enhances productivity and value along the red meat supply chain.

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