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Southern Rangelands hub

The Southern Rangelands are a unique and important production region within the Australian livestock industry, representing 57% of mainland Australia.

MLA works with partners across Australia to deliver programs that equip producers with the knowledge and skills to put the latest research into action. There are many ways you can upskill, whether that be online, at an event, trying out a training program or getting involved in one of our longer-term programs with other producers.

The Southern Rangelands are a unique and important production region within the Australian livestock industry, representing 57% of mainland Australia (Hacker, McDonald. 2021). While formal definitions of the Southern Rangelands can be found in the literature, this resource hub has been broadly designed for those that fit the following criteria:

  • operating extensive grazing enterprises including beef, sheep and goats
  • semi-arid and arid environments
  • native pasture base
  • rainfall patterns that exhibit low annual totals (<450mm p.a), high variability and low seasonality or winter dominance.

These regions are often referred to as the pastoral zone and do not extend into the northern beef zones, which are defined by a highly summer-dominant rainfall pattern.

The Southern Rangelands Hub brings together resources from MLA and the wider industry to make relevant information accessible. These resources are useful to inform business management, land management and livestock production. 


Navigate your way through the hub:

Funding opportunities

The resources contained in this Hub have been put together with rangeland producers and practitioners in mind. The above sections are structured to reflect MLA’s broader adoption strategy, which follows a pathway from awareness raising to short term capacity building to long term practice change, all underpinned by the quality services of livestock advisors. If you would like to learn more about MLA’s investments in the Southern Rangelands, or discuss future opportunities to engage with our programs, please get it touch.