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Resource guides

MLA Producers guide to sheep husbandry practices

Southern beef producers' resource guide

Resources readily available to southern beef producers looking for opportunities to enhance herd, pasture and business performance.

MLA works with partners across southern Australia to deliver adoption programs that equip beef producers with the knowledge and skills to put the latest research into action. Our adoption programs are delivered by experts in the field and are focused on real solutions for commercial operations. There are many ways for you to upskill – whether that be through an online resource, attending a one-day event, trying out a training program or getting involved in one of our longer-term programs with other producers. There are programs in this guide suitable for everyone.

MLA Producers guide to sheep husbandry practices

Northern beef producers' resource guide

Resources readily available to northern beef producers looking for opportunities to enhance livestock, landscape and business performance.

MLA works with partners across northern Australia to deliver adoption programs that equip red meat producers with the knowledge and skills to put the latest research into action. Our adoption programs are delivered by experts in the field and are focused on real solutions for commercial operations. There are many ways for you to upskill – whether that be through an online resource, attending a one-day event, trying out a training program or getting involved in one of our longer-term programs with other producers. There are programs in this guide suitable for everyone.

MLA Producers guide to sheep husbandry practices

Sheep producers' resource guide

Resources readily available to sheep producers looking for opportunities to enhance flock, pasture and business performance.

MLA works with partners across Australia to deliver adoption programs that equip sheep producers with the knowledge and skills to put the latest research into action. Our adoption programs are delivered by experts in the field and are focused on real solutions for commercial operations. There are many ways for you to upskill – whether that be through an online resource, attending a one-day event, trying out a training program or getting involved in one of our longer term programs with other producers. There are programs in this guide suitable for everyone.