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PayDirt (Southern Australia)

Getting the best bang for your fertiliser buck 

Optimal soil conditions underpin a productive farming business. Soils need the ideal balance of nutrients, favourable pH and structure. This training package steps you through the assessment, possible actions and investment return on those actions so you make the best decisions for your business.

What you will learn

  • a decision-making framework which can be applied repeatedly to fertiliser, lime and gypsum investment decisions
  • which soil limitations need to be addressed in what order for maximum benefit
  • what additional factors you need to consider to fully capture the value from an investment in your soils, such as stocking rate, pasture composition, grazing management and weed control
  • how to develop a fertiliser investment strategy.

The decision-making process around acting on soil test results is complex, especially when there are multiple soil conditions to be addressed or financial constraints. This package will train you in how to make an informed decision to maximise the return from your investment.

Sign up for a PayDirt (Southern) PGS course now

Here are the registered PGS PayDirt (Southern) deliverers. Get in touch with your local deliverer to register your interest for a course and find out more.



Contact details


Cam Nicholsen 

Felicity Turner (SA)