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Pasture Manipulation

How to transform a run-down pasture

There can be many reasons for a pasture not performing to its potential. This package is designed to help producers identify which factors are limiting current pasture production and how to rectify them. The aim is to help producers get the best return on the time and money spent on their pastures and to avoid unnecessary resowing.

What you will learn 

  • the factors which impact pasture productivity
  • how to assess limitations including soil condition, grazing regimes and weeds
  • how to lift productivity by removing limitations through more strategic fertiliser applications, more suitable grazing and weed control
  • how to manage the grazing system to encourage the plants you want and discourage weeds and bare ground
  • which tools and calculators to use in your situation and how to interpret the results.

Rolled out over five sessions, this package is designed to be delivered to small groups on host farms to allow for real life pasture measurement and monitoring. 

Each session includes practical exercises and participants use data and test results from their own farm to develop their own pasture management plan. 

As the training progresses, participants build up a bank of data and information on their own pastures to help make an informed decision about which interventions will give the best productivity gain. 

Sign up for a Pasture Manipulation PGS course now

Here are the registered PGS Meating the Market deliverers. Get in touch with your local deliverer to register your interest for a course and find out more.



Contact details


Cam Nicholsen 

Jim Shovelton 

Lisa Warn