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Getting Goats to Market

Optimising rangeland goat production 

Australia’s rangeland goat industry has undergone rapid expansion in the past decade and this package is designed to build industry skills to embrace new opportunities and lift the profits of rangeland goat enterprises.

What you will learn

  • how to develop and implement a customised production plan
  • the selection process for producing the ideal animal for processing
  • management techniques to increase the average goat carcase weight
  • skills to achieve more animals reaching optimal market specifications.

Producers undertaking this training will have already determined rangeland goat production is a natural fit for their business and have basic skills in goat production. This package will lift knowledge of the supply chain and support the development of on-farm plans to meet industry goals of greater market compliance and meeting growing consumer demand.

The training takes place in key supply chain locations including processing facilities, depots and on farm.

Sign up for a Getting Goats to Market PGS course now

Here are the registered PGS Getting Goats to Market deliverers. Get in touch with your local deliverer to register your interest for a course and find out more.



Contact details


Tim Gole  

Peter Schuster