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Sustainability webinars



Carbon planning – an approach for now and the future – a producer perspective

Date: Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

Presenter: Jon Wright

Details: Join Jon Wright from Blue-E as he shares a producer perspective on positioning a farm business to reduce emissions and work towards carbon neutrality.


Carbon accounting for Australian pasture systems

Date: Wednesday, 22 June 2022

 8.00pm AEDT

 Dr Stephen Wiedemann

Details: Join Dr Stephen Wiedemann from Integrity Ag & Environment as we explore carbon accounting principles for Australian pastoral systems.

Stephen will discuss:

  • Carbon accounting methodology and principles
  • Carbon farm audits - what information is required?
  • Actions that can be taken with carbon farm audits

Next steps:

How can producers be carbon neutral?

Date: Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Time: 8.00pm AEST

Presenter: Richard Eckard


Join Professor Richard Eckard from the University of Melbourne. Richard will discuss:

Why should producers care?

  • What can producers do now? What's coming in the pipeline?
  • What are the traps to avoid?

Next steps:

Carbon Neutral 2030 Program

Date: Wednesday October 20, 2021 

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

The Australian red meat and livestock industry has set the ambitious target to be Carbon Neutral by 2030. This target means that by 2030, Australian beef, lamb and goat production, including lot feeding and meat processing, will make no net release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. MLA's Margaret Jewell will take the audience through:

  • What are the benefits to beef producers
  • What is being done to achieve this target
  • What has been achieved by the industry to date.
