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Sheep webinars



The importance of trace minerals for ewes at lambing

Date: Wednesday March 16th 2022          

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

Presenters: Colin Trengove

Details: Trace mineral deficiencies affecting sheep in Australia commonly occur in late winter to spring and in above average rainfall seasons these deficiencies can occur earlier. Join Colin Trengove from the University of Adelaide to discuss:

  • What influences trace mineral deficiencies?
  • How do they impact ewes at lambing?
  • What practices can be implemented to minimise or treat these deficiencies?  

Next Steps:

Weaner sheep management

Sue Hatcher from Makin Outcomes will assist webinar participants in:

  • understanding the key issues affecting weaner survival and performance and
  • guide them through developing targets for growth for this key cohort of sheep.

This webinar will discuss factors that contribute to weaner mortality and ill thrift, and provides practical pathways for improving performance.

Foot issues in sheep

As a wet winter approaches producers will be monitoring for signs of lameness in their flock. Professor Bruce Allworth will be taking the audience through what the different types of foot issues are and how to prevent and treat them to minimise production losses.

Lifting lamb survival

Australian sheep producers have lifted lamb survival rates significantly over the past decade, however there is always room for further improvement. Nathan Scott will provide an overview of the key factors affecting lamb survival and give practical tips on how to improve lamb survival in your own flock. Nathan will delve into :

  • Strategies to improve lamb survival and reduce ewe wastage
  • Best practice management for lambing
  • Prepare ewes and their lambing paddocks to enable better lambing.

The importance of trace minerals for lamb growth

Date: Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Time: 8.00pm AEDT
Presenter: Dr Colin Trengrove
Details: As the sheep industry strives to optimise lamb growth rates, meeting trace minerals requirement remains a key production consideration. Join Dr Colin Trengrove from the University of Adelaide to discuss:

  • When and why do we see lamb mineral deficiencies?
  • How to recognise and identify trace mineral deficiencies?
  • What practices can be implemented to minimise or treat these deficiencies?

Next Steps:

Livestock assessment and selection - genetic and visual

Date: Wednesday December 1st 2021         

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

Presenters: Peta Bradley and Angus Burnett-Smith

Details: This webinar panel consisting of genetic and visual animal selection experts will provide an overview as to what to look for when purchasing breeding stock. Peta Bradley of MLA will delve into genetic evaluation of stock whilst Angus Burnett-Smith will touch on the visual aspect of selection.

The following information and associated links will be available on the MLA website with the webinar recording.

Investigating flock rebuild strategies

This recent MLA project focused on investigation flock rebuild strategies that enable producers to assess the most viable and economic flock recovery plan based on business goals, risk appetite and current flock base. Forbes Brian from The University of Adelaide will take the audience through the outcomes from the project, including:

- The economics of different flock rebuild strategies
- What the results mean in a regional context
- What barriers were identified to the red meat industry

Next steps and relevant resources:

Best practice lambing

Breeding ewes are an important asset for sheep enterprises, with late pregnancy and lambing the highest risk period for mortalities.

  • Mary McQuillan will share the findings from recent Australian studies uncovering the major causes of ewe mortality in the lead up to and at the time of lambing.
  • Our expert panel will then discuss the ‘big hitters’ affecting ewes in different production systems, and
  • delve into the tools available for sheep enterprises to manage risk and optimise survival of ewes and their lambs.

Dealing with dystocia

Caroline Jacobson of Murdoch University shares new research on the hidden costs associated with difficult birth (dystocia) for Australian sheep enterprises.

  • How to improve lamb and ewe survival rates
  • How you can assess the impacts of dystocia for your own enterprise, and
  • Measures with the most potential to improve farm profit and animal welfare.

An update on the 2019/20 Aggregate Consulting prime lamb benchmarks

Aggregate Consulting advisor Hilary Beech updates the industry on key benchmarks of prime lamb enterprises from 2019/20.

  • How did prime lamb enterprise financial performance fair in the 2019/20 drought
  • What were the key profit drivers for prime lamb enterprises for 2019/20
  • What are the take-home messages from 2019/20 benchmark data.

Ovine brucellosis – effects, treatment and prevention

Bruce discusses the nature of ovine brucellosis, it’s effects on the reproductive performance of sheep flocks. Bruce covers:

  • How B.Ovis works
  • How it costs you money 
  • How to test for it 
  • What to do if you have B.ovis
  • What to do if you don’t have it and want to prevent it.

Maximising lamb growth – pre and post weaning

Tom Keogh summarises current trial work on feeding regimes targeting pre and post weaning growth rates in lambs, this webinar covers:

  • What drives growth rates in lambs both pre and post weaning
  • The effectiveness of creep feeding
  • Preparation and adaptation of lambs to high concentrate diets.

Adjusting the percentage of merino ewes mated to terminals

In this webinar Jess Richards demonstrates how to adjust the percentage of merino ewes mated to terminals whilst maintaining a productive flock structure. Jess will also:

  • Demonstrate the number of merino ewes that can be mated to terminals whilst maintaining a self-replacing merino flock.
  • Look at opportunities for selections of ewes to join to terminals
  • Discuss the impact of additional traits on a dual selection strategy
  • Highlight the importance of ram selection.

What you need to know when retaining older aged breeding ewes

Dr John Webb Ware discusses the impacts on retaining older aged ewes to build flock numbers, including:

  • How do breed types differ in response to management in older age groups, ie. merino ewes vs crossbred ewes?
  • What are the impacts of the change in flock structure on the production system?
  • What are the key considerations in managing the health of older ewes?

The best age to wean prime lambs

Dr Bruce Allworth of Charles Sturt University discusses when is the best time to wean crossbred lambs off crossbred ewes. Bruce also covers:

  • When do ewes cease lactation?
  • Is 14 weeks still the best option for weaning if you lamb in July?
  • What are the factors to consider when determining your weaning date?

The current status of drench resistance in worms – an update for sheep producers

Dr Matt Playford of Dawbuts Animal Health updates southern sheep producers on the current status of drench resistance in worms, including:

  • Update producers on effective drench combinations
  • Discuss best practice to delay the onset of drench resistance
  • Cover how to protect your property from a biosecurity point of view.

Infectious causes of abortion in sheep

Paul Nilon from Nilon Farm Health discusses the different causes, impacts and treatments of infections causing abortions in sheep. Including;

  • Identifying there is a problem - how do we know?
  • Campylobacter, Toxoplasmosis and Listeriosis - what is expected and what can we do about them?
  • Other causes of abortions.

Heterosis in lamb enterprises

Neal Fogarty from Neal Fogarty Consulting discusses the effects of heterosis in prime lamb flocks. Neal delves into: 

  • Where hybrid vigour expresses itself in sheep and how much productivity is gained in these areas
  • How much hybrid vigour is gained from a simple crossbred system?
  • How to integrate selection and heterosis to maximise performance?

Selecting a prime lamb lambing date

Time of lambing is a balance between a number of production and market factors which need to be weighed up to maximise profit in a lamb enterprise. John Webb-Ware from the University of Melbourne takes us through a range of scenarios to determine the optimal lambing time for your lamb business. This webinar outlines: 

  • Why the time of lambing is important for a prime lamb enterprise
  • How to maximise value and quantity of lamb produced
  • How to determine the most profitable system with the lowest risk for your region.