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Full webinar index
- Improving success rates in synchronised AI programs
- Key diseases to vaccinate against in cattle (market analysis back up)
- Acidosis in beef cattle on pasture
- Livestock assessment and selection - genetic and visual
- Meat Standards Australia Update
- Replacement heifer management
- Pinkeye in weaner cattle: Prevention and treatment options
- Managing calf scours this breeding season
- Managing grass tetany in cattle
- Managing bloat in cattle
- Reproductive diseases in cattle – causes impacts and management
- Drench resistance in cattle
- Feeding weaner cattle: production or maintenance?
- Checking your cows are at optimum condition score this winter
- The importance of trace minerals for ewes at lambing
- Weaner sheep management
- Foot issues in sheep
- Lifting Lamb Survival
- The importance of trace minerals for lamb growth
- Livestock assessment and selection - genetic and visual
- Investigating flock rebuild strategies
- Best Practice Lambing
- Dealing with Dystocia
- An update on the 2019/20 Aggregate Consulting prime lamb benchmarks
- Ovine brucellosis – effects, treatment and prevention
- Maximising lamb growth – pre and post weaning
- Adjusting the percentage of merino ewes mated to terminals
- What you need to know when retaining older aged breeding ewes
- The best age to wean prime lambs
- The current status of drench resistance in worms – an update for sheep producers
- Infectious Causes of Abortion in Sheep
- Heterosis in Lamb Enterprises
- Selecting a Prime Lamb Lambing Date
- Reducing Kid Loss in Meat Goats
- Performance in Rangeland Goat Herds
- The Quest for a More Productive Meat Goat
- The Booming Goat Industry – An Introductory Overview
Pasture management
- Pasture dieback
- Oestrogenic clovers – identification and remediation
- Preferential clovers to sow in southern pastures
- Fodder Conservation in Late Spring
- Your one-stop winter cleaning agronomy panel
- Brr it's cold in here: The effects of temperature on pasture production
- A review of chemical manipulation in pastures: where are the costs and benefits?
- What, Where And When? The Use Of Nitrogen In Pastures (Part 1 of 2)
- How? The Use Of Nitrogen In Pastures (Part 2 of 2)
- Livestock staggers on Phalaris and Ryegrass based pastures
- Phosphorus application in mixed farming
- Carbon planning – an approach for now and the future – a producer perspective
- Carbon accounting for Australian pasture systems
- How can producers be carbon neutral?
- Carbon Neutral 2030 Program
Market updates
- Red Meat Market Update
- An update on the 2019/20 Aggregate Consulting beef benchmarks
- Beef and Prime Lamb 2021 Benchmarking Review
- Cattle market analysis - PTIC vs slaughter values
- An update on the Australian cattle market
- COVID-19 Impacts on the Australian Lamb Market - an update (Oct 2020)
- The impact of COVID-19 on the Australian red meat market (April 2020)
- Reading the restocker market
- African Swine Fever: Impacts on the Australian red meat market
- Forecasting: The Australian Beef Market (Nov 2019)
- Update on Beef and Lamb Benchmarks (June 2019)
Business management
Animal nutrition
- The importance of trace minerals for lamb growth
- The importance of trace minerals for ewes at lambing
- The nutritive value of modern crop stubbles
- Stock containment part 1: Where does a stock containment area fit in a farming system
- Stock containment part 2: Stock containment area designs
- Stock containment part 3: Nutrition, management and risks in stock containment