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Animal nutrition webinars



The importance of trace minerals for lamb growth

Date: Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Time: 8.00pm AEDT
Presenter: Dr Colin Trengrove
Details: As the sheep industry strives to optimise lamb growth rates, meeting trace minerals requirement remains a key production consideration. Join Dr Colin Trengrove from the University of Adelaide to discuss:

  • When and why do we see lamb mineral deficiencies?
  • How to recognise and identify trace mineral deficiencies?
  • What practices can be implemented to minimise or treat these deficiencies?

Next Steps:

The importance of trace minerals for ewes at lambing

Date: Wednesday March 16th 2022          

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

Presenters: Colin Trengove

Details: Trace mineral deficiencies affecting sheep in Australia commonly occur in late winter to spring and in above average rainfall seasons these deficiencies can occur earlier. Join Colin Trengove from the University of Adelaide to discuss:

  • What influences trace mineral deficiencies?
  • How do they impact ewes at lambing?
  • What practices can be implemented to minimise or treat these deficiencies?  

Next Steps:

The nutritive value of modern crop stubbles

Date: Wednesday February 16th 2022

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

Presenters: Dean Thomas

Details: New crop cultivars, alternate crop species, modern harvesters and a reduction in the density of volunteer pasture plants have affected the nutritional value of modern crop stubbles that are grazed by sheep. A recent scoping study found that modern crop stubbles are notoriously variable in quality. This webinar will provide producers with up-to-date information on the feeding value of modern stubbles.

Additional resources: Grazing modern stubbles booklet

Stock containment part 1: Where does a stock containment area fit in a farming system

Date: Wednesday November 3rd 2021         

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

Presenters: Chris Blore, Agriculture Victoria

Details: Stock Containment areas are a versatile management tool for Australian sheep producers; this webinar will cover some key reasons you should invest in a stock containment area. The session will discuss the following topics:

  • Considerations for site selection
  • How does a SCA fit into your farming system
  • Using stock containment areas during emergencies
  • How they can play a part in a changing climate

The following information and associated links will be available on the MLA website with the webinar recording.

Stock containment part 2: Stock containment area designs

Date: Wednesday November 10th 2021       

Time: 8.00pm AEDT

Presenters: Clem Sturmfels, Agriculture Victoria

Details: The success of your Stock Containment Area will depend on planning, ensuring that it is fit for purpose, compliant and user friendly. This panel session will cover:

  • Design
  • Water and feed systems, including the welfare requirements for stock density and water quality
  • Design considerations for year-round usage.

Stock containment part 3: Nutrition, management and risks in stock containment

Date: Wednesday November 17 2021

 8.00pm AEDT

 Technical Panel

Details: Stock Containment areas are commonly used for summer containment feeding. But their use for strategic management such as autumn saving or emergency preparedness is becoming more widespread. These additional uses require different management considerations; this panel session will cover:

  • Managing livestock in the stock containment areas
  • Tactical SCA use for farm management
  • Nutritional requirements of different classes of stock
  • Common animal health risks and mitigations.