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PDS Spotlight on Productive saltland pastures for southern WA

13 February 2023

This Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) aims to improve members’ knowledge and skills in the establishment, management, and benefits (profitability, productivity, and sustainability) of salt-tolerant forage systems on moderately salt-affected land for sheep producers in the Mediterranean zone of southern WA.


​​By January 2028, in the Great Southern and South Coast Region of WA: 

​1. Establish six paddock-scale PDS sites in year one to demonstrate variation in productivity of key shrub and understory varieties and a paddock scale increase in:

a. ​late summer/autumn (February – April) biomass production (up to 300%)
​b. soil organic carbon and total carbon.

​2. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine relative economic performance of the salt-tolerant feed-base systems (using the Saltland Genie SGSL Economics Calculator), focusing on BCR and payback period.

​3. 50% of core producers will have established a salt-tolerant forage system on their moderately salt-affected land for sheep grazing systems.

4. ​50% of observer producers will have established (or intend to establish) a salt-tolerant forage system on their moderately salt-affected land for sheep grazing systems.

​5. 90% of core producers and 70% of observer producers will have increased their knowledge and skills in the establishment, management, and benefits (production and sustainability) of salt-tolerant forage systems on moderately salt-affected land for sheep grazing systems

​6. Results of the PDS are widely disseminated through the following targeted extension/adoption activities:

  • SaltlandGenie App: Showcasing the PDS sites in conjunction with other R&D sites (across southern WA) through an interactive map.
  • Salt Summit: Industry event to be held in 2024.
  • Biennial Field Walksin 2023, 2025 and 2027.
  • Project to presented at an industry event in 2026 or 2027 with PDS core producers
  • Publications (articles, case studies, flyers, etc.):
    • ​Gillamii membership (newsletter, email, website and social media). 
    • ​Wider community (newsletter, regional/state conferences, Saltland Genie Web-app, MLA publications and media platforms)​.

Project update

This year through Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS) Program, Gillamii and four host farming families set out to improve the productivity of marginal saltland. Utilising Gillamii’s experienced grower network and resources such as the soon to be released Saltland Genie App, six paddock pasture plans were developed with the aim of filling the summer/autumn feed gap and improving soil health.  

From those six site plans, four sites have been established this year with a variety of pastures and design approaches. The sites are establishing well with germination encouraging and species diversity shining through. The Gillamii team will continue to monitor site establishment closely over the coming summer months with the hopes that some summer rainfall is on the cards.  

Site costings have been calculated, with these systems also not immune to the price hikes being experienced throughout the agricultural sector. Over the four sites, establishment costs (including inputs and operations) ranged from $400–$1300 per hectare. As the sites become available to be utilised by livestock, production parameters will be measured to calculate the payback period of these systems, in the hopes it gives local growers and understanding on investment and returns, with the additional environmental benefits almost impossible to quantify.  


Site reports have been developed for the four PDS sites that are established to date. The reports provide an overview of the demonstration site plan, establishment, and baseline monitoring. The reports will be updated by the project team annually throughout the project. Access the site reports here: