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MeatUp Forum | Wudinna


MLA Welcome and update

Sarah Strachan - PDF Slides

Setting the scene: integrating cropping and livestock

Decision-making and opportunity

John Francis - PDF Slides

Integration of cropping and livestock in a highly variable Eyre Peninsula environment

James Hillcoat and Craig Kelsh - PDF Slides

Carbon update

Towards carbon neutrality – practical steps for Eyre Peninsula producers

Cam Nicholson - PDF Slides

Feedbase update

Simple and effective legume pasture systems – getting the most out of it

Alison Frischke - PDF Slides

Managing and monitoring your feed: Australian Feedbase Monitor

Alastair Rayner - PDF Slides

Sheep updates

Optimising reproduction with ewe lamb joining

James Lines - PDF Slides

Getting started with and smart implementation of eID

Chris Lymn - PDF Slides

MLA adoption program update

BredWell FedWell – breeding and feeding to maximise profit

Sarita Guy - PDF Slides