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MeatUp Cunnamulla Presentations
Setting the scene
- Sally Leigo: MLA Welcome and update
- Ian Mclean: Profitable rangeland enterprises
- Gordon Refshauge: Managing your goat system in a variable environment
Feedbase updates
- Tanisha Shields: Grazing decision making in variable rangeland environments
- Jess Paton: Managing and monitoring your feed: Australian Feedbase Monitor
Livestock management, health and wellbeing
- Matt Playford: Pain relief for husbandry procedures in cattle, sheep and goats
- Anthony Shepherd: Making technologies practical in rangelands sheep programs
- Matt Playford: Parasite management for cattle, sheep and goats, and Paraboss update
Looking ahead
- Dr Jillian Kelly: Containment feeding: applications and learnings from north-west NSW
Event Booklet