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MLA Welcome and update

Sally Leigo - PDF Slides

Setting the scene

Understanding the key profit drivers of red meat businesses

Cameron Allan - PDF Slides

Beef update

Improving within-breed genetic evaluation and developing multi-breed genetic evaluation with the Southern Multi Breed Project

Brad Walmsley - PDF Slides

Producing restocker cattle for existing and future markets

Alastair Rayner - PDF Slides

Managing parasite burden in challenging environments

Phil Carter - PDF Slides

Carbon update

Carbon neutral by 2030: what can be done in your production system to reach the industry target?

Richard Ekard - PDF Slides

Feedbase update

Winter forages and tropical pastures – opportunities and concepts

Nathan Jennings - PDF Slides

Pasture dieback – diagnosis and management in NSW

Suzanne Boschma - PDF Slides

Event wrap up

Wrap up

Cameron Allan - PDF Slides