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MeatUp Forum | Dubbo March 2022
The Australian red meat market: risks and opportunities
Matt Dalgleish - PDF Slides
Setting the scene
Running a resilient red meat business in today’s environment
Catherine Marriott
Recovering from drought and lifting ewe numbers via confinement feeding
Jack Brennan - (PDF Slides)
Sheep updates
Scoring and scanning – what are you missing out on?
Elise Bowen - (PDF Slides)
Incorporating technology into on farm practices for improved efficiency and production
Nathan Simpson - (PDF Slides)
Putting precision into lambing
Tim Leeming - (PDF Slides)
Beef updates
Building Better Breeders
Alastair Rayner - (PDF Slides)
Improving productivity with genetics panel
Tim Bowman
Feedbase updates
The productivity of sub-tropical pasture systems
Bob Freebairn - (PDF Slides)
Pasture recovery post drought
Richard Avendano
Dual purpose cropping - decision making and profitability
Ed Blackburn - (PDF Slides)
Carbon updates
Carbon neutral by 2030 (CN30) and opportunities for red meat producers
Margaret Jewell