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Goatmeat Webinars

Webinar 15: How to get your business benchmarked without paying a cent

Recorded: 15 April 2019

MLA and Holmes Sackett have partnered to offer 60 commercial goat producers the opportunity to get their businesses fully benchmarked against the average and top 20% goat businesses at no cost – a service valued at $6,000. The project is being funded to help build a bank of goat industry business performance data which will help explain the financial benefits of getting into the goat industry to potential new producers. It will also help identify areas for future goat levy investment.

During this webinar, project leader John Francis discusses:

  • What’s in it for you? What you'll get out of being involved in the project.
  • How much effort is involved? John explains the process in a simple, easy way.
  • Where does your information go? You'll see some examples of how the information will be used, what you'll get in your personalised report and what the industry will see.

Webinar 14: Opportunities for positioning goatmeat in the domestic market

Recorded: 14 December 2017Recorded: 15 April 2019

What high value product usage opportunities exist in the Australian domestic market for goatmeat? What food trends can the industry capitalise on while still managing consumer expectations regarding supply? How can producers take advantage of these opportunities and grow their businesses? This webinar provides you with information on how you can capitalise on these market findings via a 50:50 funding arrangement with the MLA Donor Company.  

Please watch this informative webinar to find out more.

Webinar 13: Rangeland goat growth rate trials

Recorded: 12 December 2017

What growth rates can you expect from young rangeland goats with and without supplementation? During the last 18 months, MLA has funded a series of trials in QLD and NSW looking at this question. The interim results are in, so please watch this short webinar to hear from the project team and host producers about what you can expect from your animals and how you can apply the learnings to your herd.

Please watch this informative webinar to find out more.

Webinar 12: Total Grazing Pressure and Goats

Recorded: 15 December 2016

Good management of total grazing pressure (TGP) is vitally important, particularly in the rangelands of Australia to ensure grazing does not exceed stocking capacity. In this webinar guest presenters Trudie Atkinson, Development Officer with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Rick Gates from the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) speak about:

  • TGP - what you need to know and do to effectively manage your grazing pressure
  • How goats play a part in your TGP and how you can use them to your advantage
  • Tools available to help you manage risk
  • An update on rangeland relevant R&D

Please watch this informative webinar to find out more.

Webinar 11: Internal parasite control for goats and how WormBoss can help

Recorded: 24 November 2016

Are you battling to manage internal parasite burdens within your goat herd? Then you’ll be relieved to know goat specific content has now been added to the WormBoss website to help producers with this issue. Watch this short webinar with guest presenters Dr Lewis Kahn, Executive Officer, ParaBoss and Dr Rob Woodgate, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Parasitology at Charles Sturt University who provide:

  • Overview of new WormBoss goat content and how you can use it to help manage parasite burdens on your property
  • Key issues to remember when managing internal parasites
  • Findings from MLA funded project: Review of Parasite Control Recommendations for Goats

Please watch this informative webinar to find out more.

Webinar 10: Goatmeat Market Update

Recorded: 25 October 2016

Want to know more about goatmeat market trends? During this webinar Rick Gates from the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA), Campbell McPhee, owner of Western Meat Exporters in Queensland and Ben Thomas, Manager Market Information and NLRS with MLA speak about:

  • Key product specifications and issues producers should be mindful of when sending goats to slaughter.
  • Insights into the key drivers of the goatmeat market.
  • The market outlook and what this means for Australian goat producers.

It’s an exciting time to be a part of the goat industry with record high process, good rainfall in some production areas and strong demand. Please watch this informative webinar to find out more.


Webinar 9: Biosecurity plans – how to set one up for your business and reap the rewards

Recorded: 14 October 2015

Did you know that an outbreak of foot and mouth in Australia could cost the Australian economy between $5 billion and $52 billion depending on how quickly it was detected and contained and that producers may bear most of these costs? Early detection of disease is critical to its control, so what can you do? The Livestock Biosecurity Network (LBN) advocates making sure you have adopted good on-farm biosecurity practices as a buffer to the spread of infectious diseases or harmful pests and have an up to date biosecurity plan in place.

To find out how to draft up your own biosecurity plan and the key issues you need to consider, please watch this informative webinar led by Emma Rooke of the LBN. Having an effective on-farm biosecurity plan will provide immediate and ongoing returns including reducing your chances of introducing important economic diseases to your livestock. For more information, please also see Webinar 7: On-farm biosecurity – what you need to know to protect your livelihood which is listed below.


Webinar 8: Genetic improvement within your goat herd – are you getting the most bang for buck with your selection program?

Held: 27 August 2015

Unfortunately due to technical issues the webinar recording was not able to be uploaded. We apologise for the inconvenience. Should you require more information regarding the KIDPLAN program, how you can get involved, the value it will add to your business and how you can use estimated breeding values (EBVs) and specialised indexes please contact the Sheep Genetics Team. The presentation given by Sheep Genetics Manager Hamish Chandler and LAMBPLAN Development Officer Will Chaffey can be downloaded here.

To contact the team, please see the Sheep Genetics website or contact the office on 02 6773 2948 or

Webinar 7: On-farm biosecurity – what you need to know to protect your livelihood

Recorded: 21 July 2015

Did you know that an outbreak of foot and mouth in Australia could cost the Australian economy between $5 billion and $52 billion depending on how quickly it was detected and contained and that producers may bear most of these costs? Early detection of disease is critical to its control, so what can you do? The Livestock Biosecurity Network (LBN) advocates making sure you have adopted good on-farm biosecurity practices as a buffer to the spread of infectious diseases or harmful pests.

To hear more about how you can manage the risks to your property, please watch this informative webinar led by Emma Rooke of the LBN. Having an effective on-farm biosecurity plan will provide immediate and ongoing returns including reducing your chances of introducing important economic diseases to your livestock including Johne’s disease, footrot, lice, multiresistant worms, CAE and pestivirus.

Find out more about on-farm biosecurity and watch the webinar here

Webinar 6: FAMACHA and goats –a practical on-farm technique for Barber’s Pole

Recorded: 26 May 2015

Do you have a barber’s pole problem in your goat herd? How can you tell and what can you do about it? This webinar provides a practical overview of FAMACHA and other tools producers can use to diagnose and control this barber’s pole worm. Guest presenter Maxine Lyndal-Murphy has extensive experience in worm management through her past roles with Queensland Department of Agriculture and the Wormbuster laboratory in Brisbane and gives a practical, hands on presentation on how to use FAMACHA as a diagnostic tool.


Webinar 5: The goat live-export industry - an overview

Recorded: 24 March 2015

This webinar focused around the Australia goat live export industry and provided information about how the Live Export Program (LEP) operates. MLA and LiveCorp are both heavily involved in the LEP which assists exporters and importers to help ensure animal safety and welfare. Information was also provided about the various programs and activities funded through producer levies which are in place to help maintain and grow the industry and which markets are new and opening up.

Our two guest speakers for the webinar were Wayne Collier, Industry Capability Manager of LiveCorp and Allister Lugsdin, Manager Livestock Services Asia Pacific of Meat & Livestock Australia. Both Wayne and Allister have worked within the live-export industry for a number of years supporting exporters in sending Australian cattle, sheep and goats across the world.


Webinar 4: Grazing Pressure and Dog Control Case Study

Recorded: 20 January 2015

A group of likeminded producers near Morven Queensland banded together to drive the delivery of a cluster fencing project encompassing 1.1 million acres, 40 separate landholders and three national parks. The fencing enables control of grazing pressure and additional control of wild dogs in conjunction with other control methods. Through this webinar producers had the opportunity to learn more about how this program was set up, it’s ongoing maintenance and the flow on benefits regarding land values, productivity and diversification.

Amy Gunn of Western Local Land Services NSW was involved in establishing this project and gave an overview of the system. Producer Will Roberts’ property “Victoria Downs” is a part of this cluster fencing project and he was on hand to provide first hand feedback on the outcomes of the project from his perspective.


Webinar 3: Genetic improvement and parasite management - what you need to know

Recorded: 25 November 2014

This webinar provided a fantastic opportunity for producers to learn more about developments and opportunities with genetic improvements to your herd and ways of managing internal parasite burdens.

Ben Swain of BCS Agribusiness has worked within the goat industry for a number of years and presented information and recommendations about how producers can turn off more kilograms of meat using modern genetics bred for Australian conditions based on findings from an ongoing Boer Select buck evaluation trial. Ben’s talk referenced the following report: Boer Select Breeders Group Buck Evaluation Program - Measured and Visual Traits which provides a summary of the results from the trial. 

Also during this webinar Dr Johann Schroder, Program Manager Health and Biosecurity of Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), a veterinary parasitologist, provided an update on issues associated with and control options for internal parasites as well as supporting resources and documentation producers can utilise. 


Webinar 2: Goatmeat markets – opportunities, development and promotion

Recorded: 28 October 2014

Want an update about the current trends and opportunities in different export markets? How are goatmeat marketing and promotion levies being invested?

During this webinar Morgan Gronold, Senior Trade & Investment Officer of Trade and Investment Queensland presented findings from an ongoing market research project aimed at gathering information on the opportunities, risks and areas of volatility and stability within current and emerging international goatmeat markets.

In addition, Stephen Edwards, Business Manager Global Marketing of Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) provided an update on the MLA marketing and promotion program for goatmeat both internationally and domestically.


Webinar 1: Goatmeat market requirements, prices & trends

Recorded: 25 September 2014

Want to know more about goatmeat market trends?
During this webinar Blair Brice, Business Development Manager of Wellard Meat Trading in Western Australia, Campbell McPhee, owner of Western Meat Exporters in Queensland and Ben Thomas, Senior Market Analyst with MLA speak about:  

  • Key product specifications and issues producers should be mindful of when sending goats to slaughter.
  • Insights into the key drivers of the goatmeat market.
  • The market outlook and what this means for Australian goat producers.

Wellard Meat Trading is a major processor of sheep, lamb and goats in Western Australia and Western Meat Exporters is the largest goat processor in Australia, processing around 660,000 animals last year.

Webinars are a convenient way to stay up-to-date from the comfort of your own home or office. This webinar is the first in a series specifically for goat producers.

For information on the next Goatmeat Webinar please head to the Events & Workshops page.