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Get all the latest goatmeat data in the latest MLA Global Snapshot
Find the State of the industry report here
Goat Data Collation and Tracking
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GICA is designated as a Commodity Council of the Federation by Federal Government. Under its charter as a Commodity Council, GICA is specifically designated as the organisation that develops collective goat industry policy, across all breeds. GICA works with Government, industry bodies, producers and other peak industry councils to this end.
GIRDAC is an advisory group which provides recommendations on where goat levy funds are invested in research and development (R&D) and extension and adoption (E&A) initiatives for the Australian goatmeat and livestock industry. GIRDAC convenes to review RD&A funding proposals, progress of existing projects and results of concluding projects.
It operates independently to the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) as an MLA appointed and funded committee. GIRDAC operates with a national focus and comprises commercial goat producers along with value chain, service providers and subject matter expert representatives as required.
This information package includes 12 free, downloadable modules that explain the essential processes for a successful goat production system. This applies to goat production as a standalone enterprise or as one that complements other production systems.
The guide draws on the knowledge, skills and experience of more than 40 goat producers from across Australia and provides tools and information to help goat producers increase productivity while minimising risk.
A series of best practice videos building on from the 12 Going into Goats modules. These videos answer commonly asked questions about goat production.
This series about the Australian goatmeat industry aims to boost productivity in the sector.
Hear about the changes to MLA’s guide and what it means for producers, consignors and transporters.
Hear from Mike Stephens of Meridian Agriculture who has specialised in succession with farming families for over twenty years.
Learn how to identify favourable and unfavourable traits that impact on productivity.
This illustrated manual describes a wide range of diseases and health information.
Keep up-to-date with the latest data collation and tracking insights.
Determine relative cost of various supplements to achieve target weights in Rangeland goats.
Infrastructure tips including fencing and yard design as well as producer interviews.
Advice on reducing risk of worms and lice, safe transportation and completing animal transfer docs.
Market options and estimating the cost and returns of your investment.