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Woody weeds
Introduced woody weeds such as blackberry, gorse, sweet briar, mesquite and parkinsonia are long-lived and can dominate pastures if left uncontrolled.
Several selective herbicides are effective on these weeds with minimal damage to pasture cover but can be expensive and time consuming to apply over large infestations.
Establishing and/or maintaining a competitive pasture will reduce woody weed establishment.
Woody weeds have the following characteristics:
- many produce a fruit, which is readily spread long distances
- many invade and dominate pastures where pasture competition has been weakened eg at water points
- most are not grazed by sheep and cattle (but often eaten by goats)
- many restrict livestock movement due to dense sharp thorns
- seeds last many years in the soil
- many provide habitat and protection for pests such as rabbits and foxes.