Grazing fundamentals EDGE
Grazing fundamentals EDGE is a one-day workshop designed to give you a broad understanding of the components of the grazing production system and the core principles behind optimising grazing land productivity.
Attending this workshop will help you to:
- identify key pasture/forage species in your region, their contribution to the diet and their role in the grazing system
- understand what conditions drive growth and how you can use strategic grazing management to improve pasture/forage productivity
- know what land condition is, how it’s assessed, and how to manage livestock to maintain or achieve good condition
- better align herd management with seasonal changes in pasture condition.
- build a seasonal climate profile for your location.
What you will learn:
- basic principles of effective grazing systems
- environmental factors influencing pasture growth and quality
- seasonal pasture growth patterns and key decision dates
- how soil properties influence pasture growth
- how grazing affects pasture plants, their productivity and growth
- how to assess land condition and how this impacts on carrying capacity
- know when and how to use pasture spelling
- principles behind successful grazing systems
- how to account for different classes of animals when assessing grazing pressure
- what’s involved with forage budgeting and calculating carrying capacity.
The one-day Grazing fundamentals workshop is a perfect introduction before stepping into the three-day Grazing Land Management EDGE program.
What aspects of the course producers found most valuable

“Production point, when to spell, what to look for in assessing land condition.”
“Different grazing systems, pasture stability and resilience.”
“Pasture management and identification.”
“Feed budgets and land condition.”
“The explanation of adult equivalents (AEs) and determining carrying capacities.”
Find a Grazing fundamentals EDGE course near you
Grazing fundamentals EDGE courses are run across Australia. To find a Grazing fundamentals EDGE course in your area, visit MLA’s events calendar.
If you can’t find an event near you, please submit an Expression of Interest and we’ll pass your details on to your regional deliverer.