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Lamb Carcase Value Calculator

The lamb carcase value calculator has been developed to estimate the gross profitability of lamb carcases. This Excel based carcase calculator uses currently available (and evolving) carcase grading inputs to predict the weight of commercial cuts specified by the user, as defined by their end market specifications. This, coupled with price/kg and costs, enables the processor to determine the value of the carcase depending on what cutting/boning end market specifications are available for each carcase for the processors supply chain.


By using the Lamb Value Calculator (LVC) you accept and acknowledge the following:

The results from the LVC are estimates only and are not guaranteed. None of the results from use of the LVC should be treated as recommendations or advice. The information, models and spread sheet tools are made available on the understanding that MLA is not providing any recommendation or professional advice. The LVC and the results provided are generic and do not take into account your personal circumstances. The results are a guide only and not intended to be relied on for the purposes of decision making. You should make your own enquiries and seek professional advice before making decisions concerning your interests and particular circumstances. Other than as required by consumer protection law, under no circumstances will MLA be liable for any loss and/or damage caused by your reliance on estimates or information obtained by using the LVC. MLA specifically disclaims any liability (whether based in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special losses and/or damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the LVC or by your reliance on estimates or information obtained by using the LVC.

It is recommended that new users seek ALMTech guidance on understanding the calculator functionality and to receive support in developing a use case. The designated contact is Richard Apps